Beer Name: Hartshorne
Style: Smoked Brown Ale
ABV: 6.7%
IBU: 24
Color: Brownish. You know how when you picture colonial times, everything is just sort of brown? This is that brown.
Cheese Pairing: Regular ol' cheddar, preferably eaten directly off the knife you used to slice it.
Food Pairing: Pretty much any grilled sausage on a roll, though bratwurst is probably the best bet.
Music Pairing (Jimbo's Choice): "Suspiria" by Goblin
Music Pairing (Jared's Choice): "Row Row" by Zeal and Ardor
Best Occasion to Drink: While trying to do a hippie dance in the middle of the pit at a Slayer show.
Brewers' Notes: When friend of the brewery, former employee, and all-around goofy bastard Bubs approached us with a Unique Collaboration Opportunity™ we pretty much jumped at the chance. See, Bubs somehow lives in a historical house in Wakefield that's a Local Treasure of Historical Importance, not least of which because it's older than the damn country. Anyway, in effort to put together a cool fundraiser event for the house that's arguably educational but also (more importantly) involves drinking, we're teaming up with the folks from the Wakefield Historical Society and local beer historian Malcolm Purinton and talking beer and talking history and drinking beer! And in effort to make a "historically inspired" beer that actually tastes good* we made a smoked brown ale made with locally grown applewood smoked malt from our friends at Blue Ox and also a hint of molasses and a lot of love and hoo boy is that a tasty tipple!
* A lot of historical recipes basically amount to boiling equal parts molasses and oatmeal and whatever roots/herbs/tree branches happen to be handy and then drinking it before it starts to smell too bad. We decided to go with a more "modern" approach.
Style: Smoked Brown Ale
ABV: 6.7%
IBU: 24
Color: Brownish. You know how when you picture colonial times, everything is just sort of brown? This is that brown.
Cheese Pairing: Regular ol' cheddar, preferably eaten directly off the knife you used to slice it.
Food Pairing: Pretty much any grilled sausage on a roll, though bratwurst is probably the best bet.
Music Pairing (Jimbo's Choice): "Suspiria" by Goblin
Music Pairing (Jared's Choice): "Row Row" by Zeal and Ardor
Best Occasion to Drink: While trying to do a hippie dance in the middle of the pit at a Slayer show.
Brewers' Notes: When friend of the brewery, former employee, and all-around goofy bastard Bubs approached us with a Unique Collaboration Opportunity™ we pretty much jumped at the chance. See, Bubs somehow lives in a historical house in Wakefield that's a Local Treasure of Historical Importance, not least of which because it's older than the damn country. Anyway, in effort to put together a cool fundraiser event for the house that's arguably educational but also (more importantly) involves drinking, we're teaming up with the folks from the Wakefield Historical Society and local beer historian Malcolm Purinton and talking beer and talking history and drinking beer! And in effort to make a "historically inspired" beer that actually tastes good* we made a smoked brown ale made with locally grown applewood smoked malt from our friends at Blue Ox and also a hint of molasses and a lot of love and hoo boy is that a tasty tipple!
* A lot of historical recipes basically amount to boiling equal parts molasses and oatmeal and whatever roots/herbs/tree branches happen to be handy and then drinking it before it starts to smell too bad. We decided to go with a more "modern" approach.