Beer Name: Horatio's Reserve
Style: Barrel-aged Barleywine
ABV: 8.67%
Color: Honestly it looks a lot like good whiskey. Same clarity and everything
Cheese Pairing: Cup cheese
Food Pairing: Steak. Ideally grilled hanger steak, but you do you.
Music Pairing (Jimbo's Choice): "Meth Agressor" by Grale
Music Pairing (Jared's Choice): "Dorado" by Protoplanet
Best Occasion to Drink: Mario Kart tournament!
Brewers' Notes: This here is an extra special blend because it adds another chapter to a peculiar collaboration that's been unfolding over the past five years, and also because it's a barleywine. See, many years ago we did a recipe-swap collab with our friends at GrandTen Distilling; it's pretty much exactly what it sounds like: we took one of their whiskey recipes and made a beer out of it (said beer ended up inadvertently launching our wild beer program, for which we're eternally grateful), and they took one of our beer recipes and made a whiskey out of it (the whiskey came out last summer and it was very good, but I'm pretty sure they're out of it). And then, once they had emptied the whiskey barrel, they offered it to us so we could age beer in it. Which we did! Specifically, we used it to age 600, a big silly barleywine that we brewed to celebrate our 600th batch, and then we took that barrel-aged barleywine and blended it down with some non-barrel-aged barleywine and probably a smattering of other things just to round things out and now we've got this big barrelly barleywine and it's quite a treat and you should drink some!
Style: Barrel-aged Barleywine
ABV: 8.67%
Color: Honestly it looks a lot like good whiskey. Same clarity and everything
Cheese Pairing: Cup cheese
Food Pairing: Steak. Ideally grilled hanger steak, but you do you.
Music Pairing (Jimbo's Choice): "Meth Agressor" by Grale
Music Pairing (Jared's Choice): "Dorado" by Protoplanet
Best Occasion to Drink: Mario Kart tournament!
Brewers' Notes: This here is an extra special blend because it adds another chapter to a peculiar collaboration that's been unfolding over the past five years, and also because it's a barleywine. See, many years ago we did a recipe-swap collab with our friends at GrandTen Distilling; it's pretty much exactly what it sounds like: we took one of their whiskey recipes and made a beer out of it (said beer ended up inadvertently launching our wild beer program, for which we're eternally grateful), and they took one of our beer recipes and made a whiskey out of it (the whiskey came out last summer and it was very good, but I'm pretty sure they're out of it). And then, once they had emptied the whiskey barrel, they offered it to us so we could age beer in it. Which we did! Specifically, we used it to age 600, a big silly barleywine that we brewed to celebrate our 600th batch, and then we took that barrel-aged barleywine and blended it down with some non-barrel-aged barleywine and probably a smattering of other things just to round things out and now we've got this big barrelly barleywine and it's quite a treat and you should drink some!