Beer Name: Vacant Throne
Style: Hoppy Saison
ABV: 5.2%
Color: Yellow enough and hazy enough that we'll start tricking Haze Bros into drinking saisons and they won't even know they've been tricked until they realize that saisons are great actually and that's how we get 'em
Cheese Pairing: Alpha Tolman
Food Pairing: Pesto pasta
Music Pairing (Jimbo's Choice): "Toba" by Lesser Glow
Music Pairing (Jared's Choice): "Vacant Throne" by Lesser Glow
Best Occasion to Drink: While concocting increasingly-elaborate excuses why you can't get up and get another beer (and/or why somebody else should do it for you)
Brewers' Notes: We wanted to brew a beer to pair with the crushingly heavy sounds of our friends in Lesser Glow, so obviously we opted to brew a nice 'n light 'n bright lil' hoppy saison! We figure it provides a bit of contrast - some locally-sourced barley and wheat provide a good backdrop as you get pummeled by riffs, a little yeast-spiciness adds a touch of intrigue to the melodies, and there's some zippy, fruity hop character to add a contextual counterpoint as you contemplate the notion of humanity as a parasite. And if you happen to be cramming a bunch of hot dogs into your mouth while you listen to this music and drink these beers, then that's really just a commentary on... um... grilling? Listen, not everything needs to be philosophical.
Style: Hoppy Saison
ABV: 5.2%
Color: Yellow enough and hazy enough that we'll start tricking Haze Bros into drinking saisons and they won't even know they've been tricked until they realize that saisons are great actually and that's how we get 'em
Cheese Pairing: Alpha Tolman
Food Pairing: Pesto pasta
Music Pairing (Jimbo's Choice): "Toba" by Lesser Glow
Music Pairing (Jared's Choice): "Vacant Throne" by Lesser Glow
Best Occasion to Drink: While concocting increasingly-elaborate excuses why you can't get up and get another beer (and/or why somebody else should do it for you)
Brewers' Notes: We wanted to brew a beer to pair with the crushingly heavy sounds of our friends in Lesser Glow, so obviously we opted to brew a nice 'n light 'n bright lil' hoppy saison! We figure it provides a bit of contrast - some locally-sourced barley and wheat provide a good backdrop as you get pummeled by riffs, a little yeast-spiciness adds a touch of intrigue to the melodies, and there's some zippy, fruity hop character to add a contextual counterpoint as you contemplate the notion of humanity as a parasite. And if you happen to be cramming a bunch of hot dogs into your mouth while you listen to this music and drink these beers, then that's really just a commentary on... um... grilling? Listen, not everything needs to be philosophical.