Production: By the Numbers
Number of double batches: 12
Percentage of batches brewed that were new beers: 57%
Amount of beer packaged, in gallons: 8,308
Percentage of total volume actually served in flights: 5.5%
Amount of time, on average (assuming a 24/7 production schedule) it takes for Boston Beer Company to produce the same of beer we make in a year: 1 hour 26 minutes
Number of different beers packaged: 81
Number of new beers released: 65
Number of collaboration beers: 45
Highest number of beers released (or rereleased) in one month: 10 (tie between November and December)
Number of funky/wild beers released: 14
Number of "milkshake IPAs" brewed: 0, which is in fact the correct amount
Average OG of beer produced (in degrees SG): 1.054
Average ABV of beer produced: 6.0%
Highest ABV beer produced: Bone King (8.8%)
Lowest ABV beer produced: Key Lime (4.3%)
Amount of vodka, in gallons, it would take to make the same amount of alcohol we produced this year: 1,246
Number of Extra Naked batches brewed: 9 (three of which were double batches, also one had to get rebranded as Bad At Maths)
Ingredients: By the Numbers
Amount of hops used, in pounds: 360
Average hopping rate, in lbs/BBL: 1.30
Percentage of hops that were grown locally: 31%
Percentage of hops that were grown in Michigan, of all places: 32%
Number of hop varieties used: 39
Most used hop variety: Masscade (37#!)
Height, in feet, that you would need to grow all those hops on a single bine: 2,703
Amount of time, in weeks (assuming a 40-hour workweek), it would take you to pick all those hops by hand: 9
Number of individual grains that would be (approximate): 260,963,780
Percentage of grain that came from local suppliers: 12% (63% if you consider Delaware to be “local”)
Amount of oats used, as measured in bowls of oatmeal: 15,222
Amount of brown sugar used, also measured in bowls of oatmeal (but as a topping this time): 9,600
Amount of honey used, in pounds: 70
Number of bees it would take to produce that much honey: 38,920 (visiting approximately 140,000,000 flowers in the process)
Yeast harvested, in cells: 349,254,000,000,000 (plus another 19,716,000,000,000 or so from lab-grown yeast)
The Blog: By the Numbers
Number of pages that would fill in a paperback: 233
Least verbose month: July (4,320 words)
Most verbose month: November (8,081 words)
Top 3 most commonly used words in the blog (in order, other than "beer"): time, gonna, fun
Least commonly used words on the blog: play, percentage, comedy
Number of times we used the word "beer" in the blog this year: 475
Number of months "beer" wasn't the most-used word: 0
Number of times we managed to use the word "spooktacular" in the blog this year: 29
Taproom and Beer Garden: By the Numbers
Percentage of those flights that were served over Halloween weekend: 6%
Number of beers poured during our birthday weekend: 1,672
Percentage of those dogs that came with their own Instagram account: probably at least 50%
Number of hot dogs served: 3,222
Number of cows it would take to produce that much beef: 0.92 (as in, we went through 92% of the beef you would get from a cow, in hot dog form)
Number of bands that brought rubber chickens to play on stage the Sunday of Horatio Day: 2
Filed Under: "Holy Shit, How Did That Happen?"
Beers Released in 2023
January: Chalk Outline, The Hourglass, Critters 19, Happenstance, High Voltage, (Passion (Fruit) Project)
February: (Shut Up Kelly!), Fisticuffs, Horatio's Reserve, Sticky Fingers, Fool's Gold
March: Master of Extremity, (Extra Naked), Caustic Abomination, Shade Queen, Collateral Moshing, Boneheads III - Cerberus, (Joybringer), Light of Day
April: Supergroup, Patio Weather, (Fixation on Red Ale), (Henrietta)
May: Tom's Fault, Synthetic Dreams, Believe in Yourself, We're All Doomed, Ales of Demonic Possession, Cheeky Bastard
June: Django, (Stick The Landing), Bone King, (Key Lime White), Main Squeeze, Synhoptikon, (The Airness), This Is A Guilloteenagers Beer
July: Enigma, Blood Lightning, (Seven X's), RPM, Artificial Reaper, Joining the War on the Side of the Whales, Somergloom
August: Pale Glow, Brew Famine, Undercurrents, Cathedral of Trees, Hazy Spacey Jam, Bad At Maths, Kingslayer, God of Night
September: Unholy Water
October: 700, (Ginger Spectacular), The Blurst of Times, Calico, Extra Funky, Ginger Hootenanny, South of Italy
November: (Barreled El Pulpo), (El Pulpo), Sam's Elven Explosion, (Blue Manic), Three of Cups, (Joyrider), (Wasted Life), Biere de Krampus, Tears of Krampus, Close Encounters
December: Civil Disobedience for Losers, Critters 20, Critters 21, Critters 22, Critters 23, Critters 24, Critters 25, Critters 26, Critters 27, Wolf Pup