First off, with the generous help of some family, we started goin' to town on that wood floor of ours! And, in typical Bone Up fashion, the project started with our flooring expert declaring "you guys really are cursed" and ended with "I guess this is gonna take a lot longer than we'd thought." Nevertheless, progress abounds: boards have been sawn, hammers have been thrown,** and underlayments have been... underlaid. It ain't quite purtied up just yet, but we'll have us a real floor in no time flat!
Now if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna go sleep off that pie.****
**Not a generally-accepted floor installation method.
***Acquiring the permits for the ventilation system was indirectly responsible for said kerfuffle, as a matter of fact.
****In the business, this is known as as Holiday Aftershock (AKA'ed as Leftovers 2: Delicious Boogaloo oh god I'm so sorry I wish I never wrote that)