But anyway, you didn't come all the way out to the Bone Up House o' Rambling just to hear about the stuff that didn't happen this week. Just like we promised you last week, Jimbo's cooked up another heapin' helpin' of label concept art for you. Have a look!
But he's there! To be fair, he'll be a lot easier to spot if/when we go full color on this bidness, but look again - he's sitting left-center, clearly enjoying the hell out of his inner tube ride (the more eagle-eyed among you might also spot our secondary mascot, El Pulpo, who's peeking out somewhere on the right side of the label).
That's all for this week, but join us next week when we get our permit,***** update you on construction progress,****** and show you more label concept art!*******
**Not really.
***No it isn't.
****Not true.
*****Hear more vague promises from our friends at the ABCC.
******Probably show you some more pictures of wood and/or dirt.
*******Actually figure out how to do footnotes right.****