Sprouts as Bone Up's #1 Fan - "Best Pandering to the Judges"
Ozzy as a Summer BBQ - "Best Group Costume"
Pumpkin as her owner Josh - "Best Josh Costume"
Rivers as the Skeleton Crew - "Best Skeleton Theme"
OK fine, we didn't think to make a special Halloween cask and Kelly isn't on cask until next week.
Also on Friday we've got a spooktacular book signing! Local author and friend of the brewery Michael Cloherty wrote Abel Bodied: Murder at the Malden Bank which tells the tale of a bank robbery gone deadly wrong (and which happens to be the first bank robbery murder in the country) and he'll be in our taproom selling and/or signing copies!
And speaking of Friday and/or Saturday, this weekend we're doin' up a trick-or-treat-themed event with our friends from the fermentation district (and beyond)! All the Everett breweries (and the lone distillery in town) will be doin' beer and candy pairings and givin' out swag and there'll be some of those passport cards you can get stamped at every location and it's gonna be a good time, so come on out and trick or treat - "adult style"!****
And just in case you didn't get enough sweets by Sunday, or if you're lookin' for something fun to do on Halloween Itself, we're bringin' in our friends from TC Scoops to set up a sundae bar! This one really doesn't need much explanation except that we should point out that we regularly dream about their apple pie ice cream. It's so good, you guys!
** We... kind of completely dropped the ball one year. 2017 was chaotic to say the least.
*** I know I say this every year, but it's not nearly as fun as it sounds. Everybody leaves the table feeling pretty gross and - at least judging from the lack of eye contact among literally anyone at the end of the session - maybe a little ashamed of themselves.
**** We... we were not the ones who named this event.