Firstly and obviously most importantly is our totally-not-made-up-while-drinking holiday: Horatio Day! We're celebratin' the birth of our dapper logo dude** in style with a good ol' fashioned Birthday Bash that'll have cake and stickers and some special beers! In addition to our ordinary 12-beer list, we'll be introducin' the world to the Quadless Leg Monster and Shelby and Believer and reintroducin' y'all to vintage El Pulpo! As an added bonus, we got some special commemorative glassware for the event so's you can drink in all kindsa style if you so desire (just be sure to grab yours before we run out - we've got a pretty limited quantity)!
Speaking of Thursday, we've got January's installment of Audio Triviality coming up this week! The theme this month is "beer," so it'll be interesting to see how badly we manage to lose despite this being the one topic that we actually know anything about.
Number of months it actually took: 8
Number of batches brewed: 107
Number of different beers made: 48
Highest number different beers made in one month: 11 (November)
Most commonly brewed flagship: Wasted Life (We brewed it 19 times!)
Number of casks filled: 78
Number of weddings we made beer for: 3
Number of ridiculous alternate-universe Horatios made for glassware at said weddings: sadly just the one (that's our bad, really)
Number of charities we got to make custom glassware for: 2
Number of words written in the blog: 40,312
Number of dumb jokes, on average, per month: 54 (or roughly one per 62 words)
Percent of people reading this who are asking "wait, what jokes?": 75
Least verbose month: April (2,169 words)
Most verbose month: August (5,826 words - we were pretty excited about that birthday party)
Top 3 most commonly used words in August (in order): Beer, party, time
Number of times we used the word "beer" in the blog this year: 273 (not including variations, such as "beers")
Number of times we manged to use the word "spooktacular" in the blog this year: 15
Most commonly used word in the blog (other than "beer"): Sauce***
Hops used, in pounds: 448.9
Number of acres you would need in order to grow that many hops: 0.245
Height, in feet, you would need to grow that many hops on a single plant: 4,420
Grain used, in tons: 11.2
Number of trips Jared had to make to the grain room to haul that much grain out on brewday: 392
Yeast used, in cells (approximate): 557,031,300,000,000
Number of flights poured: 11,126
Number of Big Stupid Cans filled: 1,032
Number of times Tina has been fired for ruining Christmas: 133
Average OG of our beer (in degrees SG): 53
Average ABV of our beer: 5.7%
Highest ABV beer produced: 9.0% (Quaddles)
Lowest ABV beer produced: 3.4% (Believer)
Amount of vodka, in gallons, it would take to make the same amount of alcohol we produced this year: 1,387
** Incidentally, he's turning seven, which means he predates the company by a number of years.
*** ...k