Because! Stuff! Is! Happening!
Admittedly, it's only a handful of little things happening in yips and squiggles, so it's not anything to get too worked up about. But still! We've got tile laid for the area behind the bar, most of the wiring is done, and - hold on to your hats - our door has a handle now.* What's more, our big projects are (supposedly) underway: the roof is being fixed as we speak, the new gas main (the one we just found out we needed) is getting installed, and maybe - just maybe, if we're extra nice - they'll install the latch for our door.
Almost as exciting,** Jimbo and Jared decided to spruce up the place a bit. Gone are the largish piles of vaguely construction-themed detritus - the boards with nails hammered into them seemingly at random,*** the unused lighting, the pile of studs that for some reason didn't make it into the walls, even the mysterious full set of household windows. As Jimbo so eloquently declared: it sure does look a lot better without all the trash in there.
Last week, DigBoston called Jared to talk about the brewery for their Craft Beer Issue. We figured we'd get a quick mention off to the side in their "up and coming" section, but no. That was not the case. That was very not the case - they printed a dang ol' full-column half-page interview! Daaaaaamn! This must be what Mick Jagger feels like all the time. So if you're in the Boston area, grab this week's Dig and flip to page 14!
(What's that? You've already read it? And... why yes, as a matter of fact that was his first ever time being interviewed. You could tell? Well, that's fair)
**Which is to say, not all that exciting.
***Why were there so many of those? What purpose could that possibly serve?