And kickin' things off is that thing I just mentioned and that thing is cask! This Thursday we'll be tappin' a cask of Tom's Fault (which is completely delicious if you haven't tried it yet) and we felt like that ol' beer would be best served by bein' served just straight up no monkey business so that's what we did!
And then on Thursday we've got another Bonsai Bar Workshop! You'll get to learn the techniques used in the art of bonsai and you'll get to leave with your very own tiny tree! Anyway this is also gonna be fun as hell, so come check it out!
And then on Friday we've got more Band Hangouts! We'll be featuring Widower on account of how we made a beer for them (which we will be releasing for said Band Hangs), but we'll also have InAeona, Kid Disaster, and This World Has Bees in the house and we've got Tasty BBQ here servin' up some seriously good eats and you should come hangout with us!
And then on Saturday we don't have any big events (but we *do* have a private party renting the beer garden for the evening, so plan accordingly. This is - you guessed it - Tom's fault) but we've got Lala's Pizza in the house for the evening and any time we get to eat their food is pretty much an event in their own right, so come get some tasty grub!
And then Sunday we're playin' it low key like we usually do but I figured I'd remind you that our regular Sunday sushi classes are gonna be on hiatus for the summer starting pretty soon.