When is Pulpo Day?
This Saturday - 11/9 - all dang day!
Kind of! We're gonna have regular ol' El Pulpo on tap (and in cans), plus we're gonna have barrel-aged El Pulpo on tap (for a limited time) and in bottles (for a longer time) and we're diggin' out a couple kegs of Vintage Pulpo: 2018, 2017, and the barrel-aged 2018 version! That's FIVE Pulpos on tap, which means you're gonna have to make some difficult decisions if you're the flight type!
Will there be food?
Of course! In addition to all our regular goodies, we got The Bacon Truck comin' through from 2-8 (and hopefully bringin' some delicious bacon truffles)!
Yes! We've got Pulpo stickers and some cool new glassware for our barrel-aged beers (which isn't Pulpo-specific, but it is on the way as we speak, and we should get them in time to fill them with Pulpo), and there's been talk of gettin' some Pulpo shirts, but those ain't gonna be here for Saturday so if that's a thing you want then you're gonna have to wait a little longer.
Will you have chocolate oranges again?
Probably! We ordered them, anyway, so they'd better be here in time.
Why brew a chocolate orange stout every year?
Jared's dad likes it so much that we aren't allowed to stop making it.
Why make an entire day out of it?
Because it's fun! And also because El Pulpo variants were starting to take over the entire menu on Horatio Day (the holiday we made up in celebration of our logo and/or barrel-aged beer) and we gotta leave some room on that draft list for all of our other fun projects (we have a lot of fun projects this year).
Nothing! But it sure does look cool on that label, dunnit?
I'm glad you asked, helpful strawman - we do indeed! We've got Joybringer on the 15th (next week! And it should also be on tap by then!), and then Joyrider - the barrel-aged version of Joybringer - comes out on the 22nd and we're releasing our flannels on that same day and then on the 27th (the day before Thanksgiving, also known - to us - as Shitty Wednesday) we're comin' out with four variations of Melvin the Mammoth (our "barleywine"): straight-up and rum-barrel-aged and rye-barrel-aged and blended with a whiskey-barrel-aged ginger farmhouse! Also all these fun barreled beers will be on tap at some point (including but not limited to Horatio Day), but we've only got 12 draft lines and it would be silly of us to fill nine of them with strong and/or barrel-aged beer. Oh, and also there's gonna be more bottle releases after that (hopefully more-or-less weekly for a good while), but we'll get to that in due time.
** Not very.
*** Last year we brewed Hartshorne for this very same event. Remember that beer? I miss that beer.