But before we get to that, we do have a minor programming note - we will be open from 12-8 on Monday (September 5) because it's Labor Day and so on.
And then on Saturday we've got Crystal comin' by to do some emo yoga! The class starts at 10:30 and it includes a beer with the ticket, so come on out and get your stretch on while listening to some emo! Sign up here: Emo Yoga
And moving on to Sunday, we've got El Pelon taco cart in the house, plus Brutus Bone Broth will be in the house servin' samples for all the pups that come by and also we'll be donating $1/pour towards the MSPCA, so come on by!
And movin' on to the slightly more far-flung days of next week, next Thursday (September 8th) we'll be doin' Simpsons trivia again and the theme du jour* is Season Nine! It's gonna be an interesting time because that's around the time the show was still good but also you can see it really start to go off the rails, conceptually speaking, and anyway it's gonna be fun and you should join us!