Anyway long story short(er) we met up with the band and they wanted us to make a big ol' imperial stout with a pinch of vanilla and a sprinkle of cinnamon** and it may have taken a little (very) longer than we expected but it's out in a few days and it's damn good and you should have some!
And then on Friday we got eats in the house! Bonetown is gonna be poppin' up with some tasty-ass BBQ startin' around and you should come getcha some!
And if you needed any more incentive to come hang out on Saturday, we're also gonna have The 'Nada Cart in the house starting at 2PM!
** Truth be told, they originally said they wanted a pumpkin stout, which would have been released in early November (i.e. immediately after everybody stops buying pumpkin beer for ten months). Maybe next year.
*** Yes, I know that the plural of "medium" is "media," but that sounds weird.
**** Is... is this a thing? Do photographers usually come up with "street names" like rappers do? Or is this just a Matt thing?