First on the docket is something that has managed to provoke a pretty stunning amount of sass: discount Lyft rides! Basically you get $2 off a ride if you're traveling from our brewery to another brewery nearby (or vice versa), and that prompted half of the universe to crawl out of their internet-holes and point out that it would be ridiculous to get a ride from us to Night Shift (which, yes, it would be, except on days when the dang ol' temperature is in the single digits KAREN).
** Specifically "best bitter," a style whose history is hella intertwined with that of pale ale. We went with "pale ale" as the style here because a) pretty much nobody knows what the hell a "best bitter" is (people usually assume "bitter" is a descriptor); and 2) this ain't exactly a historically accurate representation, and people who do know old school British beer styles tend to care about that sort of stuff.