And trustily filling the forefront of our minds/blogs is our trusty Thursday cask, once again filling the role of "easiest beer to order with just a hand gesture."* Anyway I guess it's probably more interesting if you know what we filled the cask with, and it's (shockingly) Extra Naked! And even more to the point, we took that cask and threw in a buncha Triumph (grown by our friends at Four Star Farms, of course) and now the beer tastes like it has Triumph in it and that's a good thing but you sure ain't gotta take my word for it because you're gonna come drink some with us! Maybe!
Then on Thursday we've got Matt back on the mic with Strange and Bizarre Facts Trivia! The last time he did one of these it was hella fun so we're looking forward to this one, and to "sweeten the deal" we're gonna have Seabiscuit poppin' up with pies all evening too!
And speaking of Tasty Times, on Friday we've got Tasty BBQ back in the taproom! Last time they came through it was like zero degrees outside, but this time around it's supposed to be warmer so let's give them a warm welcome! Also their food is great, that part is definitely worth mentioning. It's not just a clever name, etc.
** It just says "ale" on the can or something like that because the TTB*** doesn't think that farmhouse is a "real style," which is a weird thing to insist on? Especially since other breweries definitely use that term, but also it's not like we can argue with them on it.
*** The federal beer police, kind of. It stands for "Tax and Trade Bureau" which belies the fact that they primarily exist to collect taxes on alcohol, being snippy about labels is apparently a side benefit.