Don't get me wrong, we fully understand that this needs to happen for the greater good, but our taproom is pretty much our entire business and it's hard not to feel helpless or to worry about what happens next - for us, or for our staff, or for all the other people who are going through similarly shitty situations all because of something that's not their fault.
And, lastly, to all of you who have come by to stock up on four packs or bottles or gift cards, or even to just drop by with a kind word, thank you. It means the world to us that we get to see so many great people and be a part of their lives, and we're gonna keep going as long as we possibly can. Stay safe out there.
When this finally passes (and it will), we cannot wait to celebrate with all of you!
* And if you don't already know about this, kudos to you for your news-avoiding skills. Particularly since you still manage to read our blog.
** It would be nice if that ended up being the case, but we like to consider ourselves realists.