Speakin' of new beers, our first waitin'-in-the-wings new beer is Pullover ESB! It's malty and a touch fruity and toasty and it just so happens to feature some cool new locally-grown grains that we're hella stoked about (specifically, crystal naked oats from Valley Malt) and we're psyched for you to try it! There's only one catch, though: all our dang ol' taplines are full at the moment, which means this load o' liquid deliciousness is On Deck until we can kick something that's currently on tap (hint: Armchair and/or Library are the current contenders). So we're all gonna "pitch in" and "do our part" and "drink some beer" so that we can drink some other beer and it's just gonna be all kinds of tasty good times!
** And of course it behooves us to mention that we are - finally - able to send more beer out Into The World, so if you know a place that needs us on tap, feel free to let us and/or them know!