Also of note, we did file an application with the city to allow us to expand our outdoor space (which would be nice, because otherwise we'll top out our capacity at four people), and they told us to expect an answer "within 24-48 hours," but also they told us that six days ago, so we'll see. In the meantime, we're doing everything we can to scramble together the best possible beer garden we can, from scratch, on virtually no notice, so keep them eyes peeled for updates!
So in other words, if you got a bunch of scientists and asked them to recreate the experience of "fun" - except under carefully-controlled, repeatable laboratory conditions** - this is probably pretty close to what they'd come up with.
* Which is, fortunately or otherwise, extremely on-brand for us.
** Which is to say, conditions that suck most of the joy out of having fun.
*** Sure, this isn't completely out of the blue, but we can't really form concrete plans based on something that kinda sorta might happen (and which might un-happen at any time).