But anyway. That's not what you came here for (and again, we'd be confused at best if it were), so on with the fun stuff! And nothing's more fun than virtual events, right? R... right?
But getting back to the point (there is going to be one! I promise!), we're steppin' up** the ol' virtual event game and we're kickin' it off with our first "Beer with the Brewers" night this Friday! We'll be tasting Ginger Spectacular side-by-side with its barrel-aged counterpart Ginger Disco and we (Liz and Jared, and possibly some of our other brewers if they're not too busy doing whatever it is they do when they're not making beer) will go on to ramble about the beers and the production process and we'll probably tell some anecdotes (and there might be some stuff about floor repair if we're being honest) and it'll be a good time! There's no cost to join us past the cost of the beers themselves, so drop us a line at [email protected] if you need the link and come hang out!
** In this case, "steppin' up" essentially means "starting."