Aaaaand movin' on a little bit into next week, we've got more fun cooking classes lined up! On Tuesday we've got Chef Antonio showin' y'all how to make ravioli (specifically butternut squash ravioli with wild mushroom sauce, and before you say it yes we are jealous of you that get to go to this class and we're particularly jealous of your raviolis) and then on Wednesday Chef Harold is back in the house givin' you the skinny on how to roll up some tasty sushi and we *may* have snuck a couple bites off Chef Harold's plate (by which I mean he gave us a bunch of sushi because he's super nice) and it's completely delicious and also everybody that was in the class seemed like they were pretty much having a blast and anyway you should probably come?
Buy tickets for ravioli here: Ravioli Techniques Class
Buy tickets for sushi here: Sushi Making 101
* I don't know what the hell to call this, but "visual aid" is definitely not it. Kinda makes me think of my old boss who would refer to pretty much everything (videos, drawings, powerpoint presentations) as a "piece of graphics." Fun times, man.