Speaking of which, there has been a (hopefully minor) setback in construction (remember that leaky roof we've mentioned like five times before? Fixing*** it caused more leaking somehow, even when it isn't raining), but that's pretty much business-as-usual. So once again, partly in effort to lead by example, our intrepid brewers have inexpertly donned their finest safety gear and set to work about the brewery. It's a project that will soon result in the sort of thing that passes for news around here, but for the time being we leave you with these pictures of them looking somewhat ridiculous.
Insert dumb Breaking Bad joke here. Wait, a different type of shitty flooring? Oh my, this is a surprise! | Go buy your own Red Fang bandana so you can stop being jealous of Jimbo's. We thought this would power-wash the dirt right off... only to find the dirt had somehow fused with the door. Fun! |
**For the most part, people (other than us) were polite enough to avoid actually using the word "shithole" to describe the current state of affairs. The most popular euphemism was "it's got potential," though I think my favorite was "it's very... functional."
***Well, "fixing" might be a bit too strong a word there
****The significant bulk of it could get finished in a couple days without any reliance on magic, but we've resigned ourselves to the idea that we're gonna have to wait