Furthermore, this here marks the second week in a row that our building has seen real, actual, progress! As regular readers of this blog have heard a few times before (and as you've heard at length if you've run into us in the wild, particularly after we've had a drink or two), we've had some issues with our roof which have delayed some of our buildout by weeks and possibly months. We've tried not to harp on it too much, but that thing has been the bane of our collective existence for some time now so it's hard not to bring it up from time to time. But not anymore! Maybe! After redoing the damn thing for what might be the third or fifth time, the roof has at the very least stopped leaking on days when it isn't raining (we currently can neither confirm nor deny whether or not it leaks when there is rain, but that's fine for now. Baby steps). It might not sound like much to get excited over, but a lot of our other renovations had to be put on hold until that got done. But now things can really get moving - as we speak we're getting some new flooring put in, and they've taken most of that big stupid metal thing* off of our ceiling!
**Bay door
***They actually might have just organized the pallets and put them off to the side, but it still looks way better. Now instead of our parking lot being a dirt patch filled with weeds and trash, it's a dirt pile surrounded by neatly organized trash. Like I said, baby steps.
****Well, "grossnasty" is probably copyright Ryan North, but you get the idea.
*****The respiratory condition, that is. Not the band.